Smoking Cessation

New prescription or refill for assistance with quitting smoking. We are here to help you with this very difficult to quit habit.

How we can help.

Smoking is shown to cause disease in nearly every organ of the body. > 16 million Americans have smoking related diseases. You’ve probably heard that smoking causes cancer, strokes, lung diseases, and diabetes etc, but often smoking may have proven too hard to stop on your own. We can help by providing FDA approved prescriptions for Zyban (bupropion), Chantix (varenicline), Nicorette, Nicotrol, and Nicoderm-CQ. We also help by providing referrals to counselors who can help with lifestyle changes to keep you from returning to smoking.

How Long is the Visit

Most visits are between 5 to 10 minutes based on complexity. Your online visit is kept efficient so you can save time and money instead of driving and waiting for an appointment. You may receive a new prescription or refill if appropriate. We electronically submit this shortly after your visit.

You don’t require insurance for our service.

There are no hidden fees for our service. We keep our costs affordable so that you can better cover any outside medically related fees that may be necessary for treatment (with or without insurance) after the visit.

How we help through Telemedicine.

Telemedicine has been around since the 1980’s and has vastly improved since then. We treat you based on your history and symptoms, physical / visual presentation and overall condition. We are able to provide a diagnosis with a high degree of accuracy and provide follow up visits by secure messaging or further visits to ensure effectiveness of your treatment.

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